
Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

5 ways to build stronger families

Many of us hope that we will build a family that has strong ties and shows resilience during challenging times. A strong family does not come about by mistake and it’s certainly not just the sum of its parts. It takes time and is most effective when all members are working together.

So how do you get all the members of your family to function together effectively? You lead the way!

As a parent it is important that you are not only telling your children what they should be doing but actively showing them through your actions.

Here are 5 ways to help you (and your family) as a parent.

1. Give your time and guard theirs

In the day-to-day busyness of life, we are constantly managing our calendars. In doing this remember that time is a gift – a measurable expression of our willingness to invest in our children. It’s also not just our time that needs to be managed. As a parent, it’s up to you to not over commit your children’s time. Competing calendars and over commitment can lead to exhaustion – choose wisely.

2. Be available

It's hard to predict when our children will be open to a chat, it’s our role as parents to be ready when they are. We can’t ’force’ our children to open up to us, but we can take time to listen when they do. Be ready to put aside whatever you are doing to ‘be there’ for your family.

3. Love; make sure it’s known

Affirm your family members, especially the younger ones, for not only their actions and accomplishments but for what they bring to the family unit. We encourage you to smile at your children, give hugs freely, tell them they are enough and that you like them for who they are. Make sure your love is known!

4. Celebrate, work, and have fun… together

Look at any successful group or team in history. Be it in business, sports or otherwise, an effective group enjoys each other’s company. Which is good, because as we know, strong relationships take time. As a parent, seek opportunities to be together, eat as a family, complete chores together, celebrate success and have fun.

5. Evaluate: be kind but always check-in

While being asked to ‘continually self-evaluate’, be sure to be kind to yourself. To be an effective leader and parent, we suggest you answer the following questions so you can assess your effectiveness. What are my strengths and weaknesses? Do I treat my family with gentleness and respect? Have I been hugging and affirming my children? Are my expectations reasonable? Am I able to say sorry when I make a mistake?

Not only stronger but more caring

By focusing on the ways to build a stronger family you are helping to create an environment for your children to reach their potential and the family, as a whole, to be more loving and caring.

While these 5 ways are not a guarantee for success, they will certainly help your families to grow from strength to strength.

Visit our Parenting HUB | For more tips and practical advice on building positive relationships with your child.

The resources in our Parenting HUB are put together by our family specialists who work with families across Sydney every day.  If you would like to know more about this topic, please fill in our 'Contact Us' form and we'll get in touch.  You can also call our professional Parent Line NSW counsellors on 1300 1300 52 for individual advice.

Disclaimer: This article does not give professional advice.  The contents constitute general information of a summary nature of interest and relevance at the time of publication. You should not rely on the contents as professional advice but should seek, formal advice in particular matters relevant to your particular situation

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